I’ve been thinking about Heaven since yesterday. My eighty seven year old “second mother” of almost four decades went to be with the Lord yesterday morning in Memphis, Tennessee. She had been really sick for the past two weeks, and we had all prayed so hard for a complete recovery. Our Heavenly Father answered those prayers. He took her home.
I’ve had the most wonderful, peaceful vision of her reunited in Heaven with her loving husband, her son (my husband of 39 years), her parents and grandparents, my parents, my sister and a host of other family and friends. I’m sure, by now, she has talked to Jesus and finds Heaven “glorious” (her word!).
For those who know the Lord, the Bible says “absent from the body, present with the Lord” (II Cor. 5:8), interlocking circles…not one single moment in time when we are not with Him. Sadly, due to the distance (I’m in Oregon) and the time (the funeral is tomorrow), I couldn’t be there this weekend. I will be traveling South in a couple of weeks for some wonderful, unhurried time with family then…
This is Bobbie, my other mother of almost 40 years, and me at my younger son’s wedding four years ago. As the music played at the wedding reception to introduce the wedding party and family, the two of us “danced” in together. She was fun loving…
Bobbie and Frank…this photo was taken many years ago when he was home on leave during the war. She was always a snappy, snazzy dresser. With red hair and green eyes, she loved dressing up and wearing beautiful, vibrant colors.
This photo below was probably taken about 1944. Bobbie and her firstborn, my future husband, taking a walk. I was born on his birthday exactly two years later. Notice her suit. I love the clothes from the 40’s!
A sweet family portrait. This photo was probably taken during the early 50’s. I love Penny’s curls! Actually, my daughter’s youngest daughter looks a lot like Penny here!
I think the photo below was taken at Libertyland in Memphis. They were probably about my age here.